Join our voluntary member committees

Volunteering with Wexford CU

The Credit Union spirit of cooperation and community involvement is best demonstrated through the incredible contribution of volunteers at the director and committee level, who generously give their time freely to develop and enhance the services of their credit union. The committee members of every credit union are drawn from local people who have the skills and knowledge to lead and manage the credit union’s long-term success.

In return for volunteering, credit union volunteers are afforded the opportunity to;

Gain New Skills

And experience with a professional financial services provider.

Enhance Personal Development

Enhance personal development through targeted training programs.

Boost Your CV

Increase career prospects by adding a valuable achievement to CVs.

Meet New People

Meet like-minded people from the community.

Contribute to Your Local Community

As a volunteer, you will contribute to the continued development of a professional service that benefits the entire community.

Work on Developmental and Business Projects

Stay up to date on the latest developments in the financial sector.

Become a volunteer

Apply to Become a Volunteer

Register your interest today and get in touch with us by email. Any ability to contribute is appreciated.

If you would like more information please contact Wexford Credit Union today.

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